Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Video Doc Response

Was there a point where you felt you were overwhelmed and felt like your "image" wasn't enough.   

The media portrays an image of the way girls and guys have to look like. We have to be super skinny and tall and have a face with no imperfections. That made me feel overwhelmed because the society makes you feel like if you don't go with this standard, no one will accept you. It lowered my self-confidence. I am short and normal weight I guess. But the way I see it is that I need to grow more, and that I need to loose weight. It made me feel like my image wasn't good enough. I already have low self-esteem, so it just made me feel like I wasn't pretty enough and no one in our society would accept me because of this.

Is the line blurred between what is "Sexy" and the image that you have (or are building) of yourself.  

Now a days, sexy is when you wear short skirts and show off a lot of skin. People would consider that to be "sexy". There is a line blurred between that and my personal image. I don't pay attention to the new styles. I just buy whatever I think is nice through my eyes. I stopped caring about how others will think of me, even though sometimes it does bother me. I don't like the image of sexy because I think girls should respect themselves and their own bodies and guys shouldn't only look at them for being "sexy" and an image just to look at. They should present themselves as being sophisticated so that people would want to get to know the real them and not the image that they put up.

Whose role is it to set "limits"? 

It is your role to set limits in what you do. If someone else set limits for you, it's not really their lives, so they can't tell you what to do. The media puts a expectation of how girls and guys are to look but that doesn't mean you have to follow that. You should put a limit for yourself and not make yourself eye candy for others.

What advise would you give to a 4 year old about start her "social life", by going to school next year?

I would advise her to just be herself. She shouldn't be influenced by others. She still young and shouldn't be stressed over things like this because as a child, you should just live to have fun. As I remember my childhood, I didn't really care about my social life. Children at that age should have a simple life and grow up to remember their childhood as being simple and fun and the easy days. I think that as long as someone is themselves, that's all that matters. If there's people who won't accept you for being you, then those people aren't even worth your time.