Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Video Doc Response

Was there a point where you felt you were overwhelmed and felt like your "image" wasn't enough.   

The media portrays an image of the way girls and guys have to look like. We have to be super skinny and tall and have a face with no imperfections. That made me feel overwhelmed because the society makes you feel like if you don't go with this standard, no one will accept you. It lowered my self-confidence. I am short and normal weight I guess. But the way I see it is that I need to grow more, and that I need to loose weight. It made me feel like my image wasn't good enough. I already have low self-esteem, so it just made me feel like I wasn't pretty enough and no one in our society would accept me because of this.

Is the line blurred between what is "Sexy" and the image that you have (or are building) of yourself.  

Now a days, sexy is when you wear short skirts and show off a lot of skin. People would consider that to be "sexy". There is a line blurred between that and my personal image. I don't pay attention to the new styles. I just buy whatever I think is nice through my eyes. I stopped caring about how others will think of me, even though sometimes it does bother me. I don't like the image of sexy because I think girls should respect themselves and their own bodies and guys shouldn't only look at them for being "sexy" and an image just to look at. They should present themselves as being sophisticated so that people would want to get to know the real them and not the image that they put up.

Whose role is it to set "limits"? 

It is your role to set limits in what you do. If someone else set limits for you, it's not really their lives, so they can't tell you what to do. The media puts a expectation of how girls and guys are to look but that doesn't mean you have to follow that. You should put a limit for yourself and not make yourself eye candy for others.

What advise would you give to a 4 year old about start her "social life", by going to school next year?

I would advise her to just be herself. She shouldn't be influenced by others. She still young and shouldn't be stressed over things like this because as a child, you should just live to have fun. As I remember my childhood, I didn't really care about my social life. Children at that age should have a simple life and grow up to remember their childhood as being simple and fun and the easy days. I think that as long as someone is themselves, that's all that matters. If there's people who won't accept you for being you, then those people aren't even worth your time.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Integrated Project

At first, I was going to do my integrated project on making a song but it was difficult. It didn't have much to do with an organization so it didn't interest me that much. I decided to change my idea.

The new idea I want to propose for my integrated project is making a photo essay on the poverty in Montreal. I'm going to try to contact an organization in Montreal that relates to helping poverty. I'm going to take photos of people who live on the streets and metros of Montreal. The reason why I decided to do this is because when you are downtown, you see many people who live on the streets. Even though Canada is a developed country, there are still those who can't afford to live in houses and live in the streets. I want to demonstrate this through many different photos. This seems more interesting to me because it gives a message of the society that is around us and it shows something I like which is taking photos. This will integrate Media and English. I'll be taking photos and showing different techniques in which it catches people attention like hot spots. For each photos, i'll be describing what the picture is about which goes in with english.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Logo Tag [part 2] #2

I got this logo from Claudia's blog.

Logo Tag [part 2] #1

I got this logo from Alyssa's blog.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Logo Tag [part 2]

This logo was taken from Franco's blog site.

Logo Tag [part 1]

Sanrio is a japanese company which has different characters. On this logo, there's a slogan right next to it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Integrated Project

I want to make a song. Writing lyrics and finding music behind it. Music is a form of art and writing lyrics is english. Music can also relate to media because it was a form of a medium. It can say a message of something that you think or feel about. It helps you express your emotions into a song.

The topic that I will be talking about is love. Some people think that the whole purpose in life is love and that can be true. It affects everything around us and its a major part of our life. We live to love. Loving our friends, loving our family, loving our soul mates.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Different Perspectives. Different Views. Different thoughts.

Talk about the idea of perspectives; Who has power? Do they have power if they have the media?

There's different perspectives. There's always two sides to a story. There's always different ways of viewing things which makes people have different thoughts. In this picture, it shows an example of how people have different kind of views on the world. There's the one couple who is watching the world for it's nature and another person who is concentrated on the stock market. It looks like he's worrying about loosing money. Due to this picture, it shows that people care about different things. It shows two different perspectives.

Sometimes the person who is in power, is the government. Since the government is in power, it has power over the media and what they say. It makes the media use the perspective of the government. An example of this, is the war that is going on in Afghanistan. The media uses the perspectives of the United States government and doesn't show the other perspective of the story. This shows that the government is the one who has the power, and it has the power to what the media says, which makes us believe it. It makes us think a certain way due to the stories that are said.

Having power over the media, makes that person have power because it munipulates what people think and their source of information that they know.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Media Image


This is a media image because it shows something that is going on in our world. Due to global warming, the ice caps are melting which are causing polar bears to drown. As you see in this picture, you don't see much ice for these polar bears to survive on. I chose this picture because i feel it makes a statement about something that is happening in the world because of our actions.

Media Questionnaire

1. What is Media?

Media is the information. Different types of media are advertisement, gossip, music, news, movies, scripts and fashion.

2. What is your favourite form of media?

My favorite form of media is fashion because i love clothes. I find with clothes, you can express yourself and have your own style. You can be as unique as you want to be. I love ways in which i could express myself and that is why i love fashion.

3. What medium do you use the most?

The medium i use the most is the Internet. The reason for this is because with the Internet, you can do many things. You can watch TV shows, get updated on the news and fashion and listen to music through the Internet. Its basically all the mediums in one and it is a great way of communication and getting information. With the Internet, you can communicated with your friends through things like MSN messenger and facebook.

4. Where does media make itself visible in your life?

Media makes it visible in my life through different mediums. Mediums are what we use to get our information. Different ways in which it is visible in my life is through the Internet, TV, radio, clothes, billboards and magazines.

5. What is the impact of media on our society?

The impact on media on our society could be from the information we know and fashion. Another impact is that the media always shove things in our face like global warming and poverty. After awhile, we see it too much, and get use to it, then we stop caring. For example, the commercial on TV of the man trying to get donations for kids in Africa who have no water or food. Ask yourself this; how many times have you seen it until the end? After a few times, do you just skip it after? Most people wouldn't want to admit it, but they would just skip it. It comes to show that we're so accustom to seeing these sort of things that we just don't care anymore.

Another way the media impacted our society is through fashion and magazines. You always see these girls who are tall, small figured, skinny and with a perfect face with perfect complexion. People see this and believe this is the way girls/women should appear when in reality, this is just the media portraying an image in your head.

Friday, September 11, 2009



The first picture (top, left); This show stereotypes because everyone assumes that just because you are punk, you are a rebel.
The second picture (top, right); This shows stereotype because people assume that Asians tend to be smart, especially in math.
The third picture (bottom, left); This shows stereotype because people who dye their hair a lot, there are people who think its for attention but not individuality.
The last picture (bottom, right); This picture shows that every person, no matter what person, race, hair color, the way they are dress, is stereotyped. We get this stereotyped image from the media. They cause us to have a certain image about different people and we believe that they are the way the media makes it sound.
The reason why I chose this picture is because I like how it showed three different stereotypes. Some in which I can relate to. I especially like the last one "I'm a person, so I must be stereotyped".

Friday, September 4, 2009

Truth and Trust

Definitions (definitions from

Stereotypes: a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group

Archetype: a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.


1. How do we "build" information?

We build information from things we hear or see. We can get our source of information from watching TV, the Internet, newspapers, people around us, and etc. Sometimes we get our information from "word of mouth" which means we hear information from other people, which they heard it from another source and so on. These things make us get our information that we know.
2. When does that info become "truth"?

The information becomes truth when there are evidence and proof relating to the fact. Also, it can be the truth if there is a reliable source but sometimes you can't trust that either.

3. Is there an issue of trust with a source?

There is an issue of trust with a source because you can't really rely on it. Most of the time, the truth is twisted to favor the source. For example, the war that is going on between the United States and Afghanistan, the news in the United States will obviously make it sound like they're the good guys and vice-versa. Saying that, the information would be altered to favor themselves.

4. When do you trust them?

I trust them when the information comes from a source that i trust. I also trust the information when I see it for myself. Sometimes, when others tell you something, you can't really trust what they say because they could be lying. So, it's always better to see something for yourself but that only relates to gossip. If its something relating to news, I would need to see proof to what they are saying to believe it.