Friday, September 4, 2009

Truth and Trust

Definitions (definitions from

Stereotypes: a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group

Archetype: a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.


1. How do we "build" information?

We build information from things we hear or see. We can get our source of information from watching TV, the Internet, newspapers, people around us, and etc. Sometimes we get our information from "word of mouth" which means we hear information from other people, which they heard it from another source and so on. These things make us get our information that we know.
2. When does that info become "truth"?

The information becomes truth when there are evidence and proof relating to the fact. Also, it can be the truth if there is a reliable source but sometimes you can't trust that either.

3. Is there an issue of trust with a source?

There is an issue of trust with a source because you can't really rely on it. Most of the time, the truth is twisted to favor the source. For example, the war that is going on between the United States and Afghanistan, the news in the United States will obviously make it sound like they're the good guys and vice-versa. Saying that, the information would be altered to favor themselves.

4. When do you trust them?

I trust them when the information comes from a source that i trust. I also trust the information when I see it for myself. Sometimes, when others tell you something, you can't really trust what they say because they could be lying. So, it's always better to see something for yourself but that only relates to gossip. If its something relating to news, I would need to see proof to what they are saying to believe it.