1. Find "something" new that we'll see in the future.
Over the past few decades, Mobile Media and Communication has changed drastically start from the first portable cell phone to internet accessible touch screen mobile cell phones. It will transform our economy having different things added on to the mobile phone like:
- Sensorcompany (gps, temperature, lights, humidity, compass-chips through sensors on the cell phone)
- Mobile broadband (bigger capacity)
- Mobile payment
- Physical personal device (enable physical transformation)
- NY times create "epaper" for 1$ US. It updates on the go.
- Instant translation on mobile
- mobile agenda (Mobile public security. Everyone will be tracked with numbers)
- Digital Natives
- Cyber Security
2. What is the immediate use for the maker's product?
The use for the maker's product will be communication through a mobile cell phone but with many features with it that make it able to a lot more things. From our cell phone, we would be able to read the newspaper (epaper), have security (will be able to be tracked down with codes), sensorcompany (having a sensor that can be a gps, temperature, track humidity, have a compass). Our basic cell phones for internet and communication will change to become many things in one. It will be something different that no one has seen and can enable our lives to be easier having everything in one.
3. What impact will this product have on us, the users, and/or the world?
The world will become lazy and we will be controlled by an electronic device. A lot of people predict that in the future we will be controlled by a "machine" and with this being add on to the simple device as a cell phone, we can be. It can help decrease the violence and killers because the mobile device will somehow be able to become a person's security.
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