1. Discuss and review the two BP Oil ads. Why does BP Oil choose the images/style it does to use in their ads? What is the target audience(s)? Which images stick in your mind and why?
The cute BP ad attracts children with the cartoon style of it. It makes it cute and eye catching. The reason why they are aiming towards children is because then they would go telling their parents to choose BP oil. Also it can be very attracting to teens just starting off driving. They use this image and style to make it seem that BP oil is a good thing and by using it, you will be happy like the children in the commercial. Also the whistling gas pump gives off a positive mood about BP oil. The colors and cartoons are attracting to the eye and the song is very catchy. It's something that sticks to your mind. That's good for BP oil because whenever someone sings in to themselves, they think of BP oil which will make them use it.
In the "beyond oil" ad, the audience is everyone who's different because it makes it seems that those who are different, can change into something that's beautiful. Hence "Beyond a thorn, theres a rose". The images have a big impact because it relates to everyone in some sort of way and it incorporates humor making it entertaining for the audience watching. It's something that catches people's attention because they can relate to it themselves and with this, they will want to go with BP oil for their gas.
The images that stuck in my mind was the cartoon babies driving. I don't understand how babies would drive in the first place. Also the image of the "beyond darkness, there's light". I like that line because it's true to life. In life, whenever there's darkness and someone's in a rough patch, there's always something there to bring light to it and you can always get through it.
2. In light of the current disaster in the Gulf of Mexico , is BP’s slogan (Beyond Petroleum) and Logo (the flower) appropriate?
I don't think its appropriate because BP is an oil company and the Logo seems to represent something dealing with helping out the environment. It's the complete opposite. Oil is bad for the environment and causes green house gases that deteriorate the ozone layer. That isn't helping the environment out whatsoever. It gives out a false impression of what BP oil is. The logo uses a flower and green/yellow colors. What does oil have anything to do with flowers? Unless it ties in with the environment as well right? Most people would think that BP oil is somehow helping the environment if people use their gas which isn't true. Look at the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. A huge oil leak caused by BP oil caused the ocean to be contaminated and hundreds and thousands of sea creatures to die. BP oil just caused a disaster to the environment then doing any good.
3. Consider responsibility; considering that it was BP’s oil rig that burned in the Gulf of Mexico and the resulting oil spilled would have been BP’s profit, do BP and other oil companies deserve to be ridiculed, made fun of, and/or satirized?
They should be ridiculed, made fun of, and satirized because its their faults that there's an oil spill. They had the opportunity to get rid of the oil fast but instead, they want to put some kind of tube on top of it so they can profit from the oil spill. People should realize that these people don't care about the environment and the things that will happen the sea creatures. So these oil companies should be made fun of by the people so that a change can happen. These oil companies should feel ashamed of themselves.
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